Wednesday, March 7, 2007

Preventing Animal Cruelty

The fact that animal abuse is something that occurs too often in our society, putting an immediate end to it is almost impossible. But there is help we can provide that will benefit animals everywhere... gradually. Some things you can do are:

EDUCATE YOURSELF: Many people have pets today and do a great job keeping them. But although you may be responsible enough to have a pet, unfortunately, we always don't know what is best for them. Making sure you educate yourself on how to train and support a pet is crucial for the simple fact that some of the things you are doing may not be so good for them after all. Yes, it may not seem like you are hurting them, but why take the risk? Having all the knowledge you need is a big step in having a healthy and safe relationship with your pet while keeping them safe.

HELP OUT A LOCAL RESCUE CENTER: Playing a role in a local rescue center can do so much for the current pets there, and also the future one's to come. Donating some money can do more than you can imagine, even if its a little. Not all of us have the extra cash but, if you do its a great way to help out. Stopping by the rescue center to play with the pets is also a good way to help. With that simple gesture, you have donated your time and have showed that you do care about what happens to animals. Donating some extra time by helping organize events such as a car wash, bake sale, or garage sale to come up with extra money for the center is also another way to help out.

LET YOUR VOICE BE HEARD: Since animal cruelty is considered an offense in only 31 states, you can write a letter to your local government and let them know the things that are happening to animals around the world; that animal abuse is a growing problem that needs to be put to an end.

THINK OUTSIDE THE BOX: You don't necessarily have to do these things to help out. You can do other creative things to help out the cause. Things like volunteering to help out in abuse prevention programs can be useful in making kids and adults aware of the situation. Selling goodies can also be a good way to spread the cause and donate money. You can sell them door to door and explain your purpose and goals.

There are probably more things you can come up that will cause others to get involved and fight for the cause. There is nothing more beautiful than a group of individuals coming together to fight for something, and in the end developing a great passion for it.

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