Sunday, April 15, 2007

Animal cruelty activist do a lot in protecting the animals. But they do get help from others. Celebrities play an important role in promoting the cause. They are the ones that are mainly in the public eye; Without them, the job would be harder than it already is.

Alongside Stella McCartney, Andy Dick, Sarah Jessica Parker, Pamela Anderson, Dolly Parton,and Jamie Lee Curtis, Bollywood actors are increasingly joining the fight against animal cruelty with PETA. Newly joining the group is Bollywood actor Rahul Khanna. To advertise to the world the inhumanity still occurring, Rahul Khanna was chained up and bruised in a ripped Tee portraying the mistreatment circus Elephants are facing more more everyday.

It is proven that, every time a celebrity joins the fight against animal cruelty, whether fans or concerned citizens, more people become aware and ready to lend a helping hand.

Because these celebrities are getting involved, their friends and family hopefully will also see the light and join in. As for those who are participating in animal cruelty such as Jennifer Lopez, Tommy Hilfiger, and Burberry, negative attention will be drawn to them. As a result they will be hurt financially and in the public eye causing them to give in....sooner or later.

"Role Models" of Today

In a society where media influences the majority of what we do, its hard not to follow what the people we look up to are wearing and supporting. One big icon and "role model" is our dearly beloved Jennifer Lopez. With her new fashion line in stores, many fans are running in order to support her and her new creations. The sad thing about this, is that Jennifer Lopez is strutting her models down the catwalk wearing fur.

It is no surprise to anyone what immorality it is considered to be caught wearing fur and even less supporting this horrible trend. But thanks to PETA, the world can now know the thought and process Jennifer Lopez is putting into her fashion designs. Unfortunately, you will discover no thought at all is being put when the poor animals she is solely depending on are being brutally killed.

"When the fur is finally peeled off over the animals’ heads, their naked, bloody bodies are thrown onto a pile of those who have gone before them. Some are still alive, breathing in ragged gasps and blinking slowly. Some of the animals’ hearts are still beating five to 10 minutes after they are skinned," stated an undercover PETA reporter. Now imagine this being done hundreds of time. Whats the end result? ONE fur coat.

The funny thing about this is, that PETA has let Lopez know about their knowledge in what she does to these poor animals, and still Lopez insist on denying these accusations. Now why go around looking up to a woman who can't even take responsibility for her own actions? She manufactured many fur items for her line "sweet face" and ended up calling it "high end." What this "smart business woman" doesn't know is that there are so many designers out there today making a living in designing clothes and not even once have they used fur, but are still considered high end. Things should be considered high end when its good quality, not when hundreds of animals were murdered just to make one clothing item.

Now, what us the people have to do, is start reconsidering our morals and values. A role model should be a person that motivates us in becoming a better person and being successful in life. Is Jennifer Lopez doing this by promoting the gruesome slaughter of hundreds of animals?

Need more convincing?

Saturday, April 14, 2007

Animal Slaughter

The simple thought of becoming a vegetarian to some people is physically impossible for them to ever consider. The thought of giving up foods such as hamburgers, bacon, steak, and more would be complete hell to them. The problem is that some so called "animal lovers" still insist on eating meat. What they don't know is that even these farm animals such as Cows, Horses, and Pigs are experiencing a horrifying level of animal cruelty that will make anyone reconsider ordering any kind of meat.

So what really does happen before the food makes it to your plate? Well before you eat that nice slice of steak, this calf will spend the only weeks they have to live in a wooden box. The catch is, the box they are placed in will be too small for the calf to be even able to move an inch. By limiting movement, the development of muscle will be retained so that the calf's meat will remain tender. To add to the process, the animal is fed an iron-deficient diet to cause anemia in order to produce a pink meat, which us consumers seem to love. When this 26 week process has come to its end, the calf will see light for the first time and led to its destiny...the slaughter house. Now how's that for a medium rare 7 oz steak?

Pork chops you say? Well, before you can stab your fork into it, that pig that has been locked up in the dark for 6 months in a crowded pen will have its little tail clipped off, without anaesthesia of course, and see light light. But after their 15 min. of daylight, off to the slaughter house it is. Imagine that...pigs being forced to have breed just to feed us. But not only do they have to suffer in a cage, they have to force themselves to make a safe environment for their offspring in order to give them the nutrition they need...or in this case, nutrition we want to eat.

If we love animals as much as we do, why would we put them through the hell they are now experiencing. It's not that we "can't live" without meat, we just prefer not to. The simple act of becoming a vegetarian is something that will not only benefit your body, but also the animals. Why keep putting something in your body that takes 7 years to decompose? Why not just eat healthy and put an end to all the slaughtering and injustice occuring around the world. And what happens when we eat all the animals possible? What do we eat next? Eachother?

Friday, April 13, 2007

Actions Speak Louder Than Words

It is evident that we expect animal rights organizations to do the "heavy duty" work in protecting those without voices; Making justice against those who abused and unattended "man's best friend." But when you come and think about it, the rest of society should also pay the consequences of hurting the animals of the world for we contribute to the cause in a much more complex way.

One of the main problems we are faced with today is Global warming and how our daily routines go about in affecting our environment. Sadly, what we think about is how we can save ourselves from the worst that is to come. I believe, that instead we should be asking ourselves what we can do NOW in saving those in which are being affected by our "conveniences" and greed as we speak.

The consequences that we are currently facing and are expecting to happen are alteration in weather, temperature, melting ice caps, depletion of geographical marvels, droughts, wildfires, polluted waters, rising sea levels, and the list just goes on. All this caused by?...US.

What we are not taking into consideration is how all these changes are affecting wildlife and marine life itself. Habitats are being destroyed due to weather and pollution. Oceans are warming up and polluted with our rubbish affecting the marine life living in the oceans. Forests are burning down, along with all the food that any living organism currently residing there needs in order to survive and reproduce. So along with us killing our earth, we are also managing to kill the animals that are helping us carry out agricultural jobs, environmental duties, and even food sources. Still think we're the smartest form of organisms living? I think not.

If we are as smart as we say, we'd find alternatives to this growing problem. I know it may seem hard to understand why I would consider this a form of animal cruelty, but its really not that complicated. We have been told about the possible things we can do in order to stop this process of Global Warming and yet, we still ignore the situation. So are we not being ignorant by choice? And if I'm not mistaken, one of the main ways of contributing to animal cruelty is through pure ignorance.

We are indirectly affecting an immense amount of animals, and sadly can't seem to come to an agreement in a way to not only help mankind, but other organisms and earth as well. We are all first to jump and think of ways to help the cause, but seem to fail to carry them out. But ultimately, our actions speak louder than words. And right now there inst enough action.

Thursday, April 12, 2007

Beauty Is Pain: Exotic Animals

The Zoo; A fun filled place where families go to look at the exotic animals of the world while walking around eating some ice cream. The Circus; a jam packed night of entertainment with special performances made by clowns and theyre exotic sidekicks. But in between all the fun you're having not once do you stop and think of what these rare animals do once the zoo is closed and once the circus is not in town. Unfortunately, some of these animals are suffering adapting to their new lifestyle and location.

According to the World Society for the Protection of Animals (WSPA), places such as the Zoo, the Circus, Park attractions, and even breeders bring these exotic animals into a whole new place where they usually experience neglect and abuse. These animals, such as Tigers, Cougars, Leopards, Wolves, Bears, Primates, and more are taken away from their natural habitat. This alone is a major change these gorgeous creatures have to adapt to. Living a life of captivity and show biz isn't what these animals were trained to do causing a major psychological damage. The instincts they were naturally born with are no longer adaptable to their new "home."

Because of situations like these, the WSPA works along with the Peace River Refuge & Ranch in an attempt to provide the proper care and environment for these suffering exotic animals. Peace River Refuge & Ranch rescues such animals and place them in Sanctuaries; a certain place where animals are placed in sections according to what their naturally used to with the proper care and attention they need all according to what they have experienced.

The fact that people have a hard time accepting that wild animals belonging to such organizations (Zoo's and Circuses) can experience thier own kind of animal cruelty is very ignorant, in my eyes atleast. The simple act of removing an animal from their natural habitat should be enough reason for an animal to be affected and unhappy. It would be the same as if you were just taken from your home and put in a completely different country with a different dialect and weather; You would obviously have a hard time adapting and finding your way around. So why put animals through such situation for our pure amusement?

A New Evil is Born: Over Harvesting

When animal cruelty is mentioned, people usually think of domesticated animals that are living at home and are easily trained. The truth of the matter is, that everyday marine animals suffer more more through the common activities of harvesting.

As humans, we look at marine mammals, especially fish, as overpopulated creatures which main purpose is served through food. But the fact that seafood is such a major part of our diet, consumption grows and grows. The thing is that no one stops to think of the consequences of catching too many fishes.

What we don't know is that the number of fish life available to us is decreasing immensely year by year because of over harvesting. The explanation to this problem is very simple; The more fish we catch, the less adult fish are available to lay eggs, which means less fish to catch the next time around. The eggs that already have been laid will then later hatch. These will be caught providing us humans with smaller and bony fishes to eat. Unfortunately there is no simple solution to this increasing problem.

The only possible alternative in slowing down the process of over harvesting is trying to limit the amounts of fish being caught per season and in each major coastal area. No, this isn't going to solve the problem completely, but it will help increase the fish population by a little.

Another thing we don't realize is that by over harvesting fish, we are not only affecting ourselves food wise, but also the other marine life that depend on fish for survival. If fish are completely killed off, what will mammals such as seals eat? So on top of us taking away their main source of food, we are also hurting them by adding competition.

To think that severe results have to occur in order for people to understand what is happening is very upsetting. Its as if we need to see it to believe it. Instead of just waiting around for it to happen, government and society have to take action...before its too late.