Friday, April 13, 2007

Actions Speak Louder Than Words

It is evident that we expect animal rights organizations to do the "heavy duty" work in protecting those without voices; Making justice against those who abused and unattended "man's best friend." But when you come and think about it, the rest of society should also pay the consequences of hurting the animals of the world for we contribute to the cause in a much more complex way.

One of the main problems we are faced with today is Global warming and how our daily routines go about in affecting our environment. Sadly, what we think about is how we can save ourselves from the worst that is to come. I believe, that instead we should be asking ourselves what we can do NOW in saving those in which are being affected by our "conveniences" and greed as we speak.

The consequences that we are currently facing and are expecting to happen are alteration in weather, temperature, melting ice caps, depletion of geographical marvels, droughts, wildfires, polluted waters, rising sea levels, and the list just goes on. All this caused by?...US.

What we are not taking into consideration is how all these changes are affecting wildlife and marine life itself. Habitats are being destroyed due to weather and pollution. Oceans are warming up and polluted with our rubbish affecting the marine life living in the oceans. Forests are burning down, along with all the food that any living organism currently residing there needs in order to survive and reproduce. So along with us killing our earth, we are also managing to kill the animals that are helping us carry out agricultural jobs, environmental duties, and even food sources. Still think we're the smartest form of organisms living? I think not.

If we are as smart as we say, we'd find alternatives to this growing problem. I know it may seem hard to understand why I would consider this a form of animal cruelty, but its really not that complicated. We have been told about the possible things we can do in order to stop this process of Global Warming and yet, we still ignore the situation. So are we not being ignorant by choice? And if I'm not mistaken, one of the main ways of contributing to animal cruelty is through pure ignorance.

We are indirectly affecting an immense amount of animals, and sadly can't seem to come to an agreement in a way to not only help mankind, but other organisms and earth as well. We are all first to jump and think of ways to help the cause, but seem to fail to carry them out. But ultimately, our actions speak louder than words. And right now there inst enough action.

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